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To generate circuit diagrams, terminal lists, equipment lists, cable lists, connection tables and more.

E³.schematic is a Windows ®-based object-oriented solution that enables simple and effective design of industrial plants.

E³.schematic module is suitable for companies within: Automation, Power/Energy, PanelBuilding and Engineering.

The E³ system library, where all equipment is virtually defined incl complete IEC/ISO symbol library, allows easy and error free engineering with flexible generation your individual documentation, reports and input for manufacturing.

Variants and Options

With the E³.schematic, you can utilize the system’s unique ability to define and manage variants and options, and thereby achieve the full effect with minimum resource use.

No other solutions on the market can offer similar functionality.


The add-on module to E³.schematic (E³.panel) offers fully integrated layout design with 3D visuality.


E³.schematic is also the module used for hydraulics & pneumaticsdesign.
Additionally, E³ offer interfaces to different PLC systems and can also read/write I/O lists, or other engineering data data (e.g. from/to excel).

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