E³.panel is fully integrated with the E³.schema/cable.

E³.panel handle the same objects from schema, and the system know immediately which equipment is loaded into the project and how it is connected (including connection properties).
You may also start your design by first making your layout in E³.panel and thereafter generate your schematics by placing the respectic logical part of the alrady allocated/placed physical equipment.
Modifications done either in layout or in the circuit diagrams will directly be visible on both sides.
Automatic ‘routing’
By installing the E³.panel incl. ‘Routing Option’ and performing ‘Auto Connect’, – E³ will physically route & connect the equipment using shortest possible route via cable ducts. Connection lists will include the exact lengths and the necessary data (; lengths, color, terminations, labeling, etc) for a suitable wire-cut&strip-machine to premanufacture all wires before the installer would perform physical connection at the workshop (save > 50% time).
E³.panel integrates the logical with the physical, and user also has the ability to see the result in 3D for visual inspection.
You can also export your creation, sections and other models to the 3D solutions using STEP
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